December 30, 2011

New Year's Eve In Japan

This day is the last day of the year 2011. ^^
Something magical is in the air and everyone can feel it! ^^
So, how do the Japanese celebrate New Year's Eve?

This last day of the year is called Ōmisoka (大晦日) and is a preparation day to welcome toshigami (年神), the new year's god. It's the second important day of the year for Japanese people (New Year's Day tomorrow is the most important one ^^)!
An important Japanese end-of-year custom is Oosoji which means extensive cleaning. So people clean their we do oosoji at our hostel! ^^ But we're all in great mood! ^^
Around 11:00 pm on Ōmisoka at home, people often gather for one last time in the old year to have a bowl of toshikoshi-soba (年越しそば) or toshikoshi-udon (年越しうどん) together - a tradition based on people's association of eating the long noodles with "crossing over from one year to the next,". So eating this "New Year's Eve Noodles" is very common.

Traditionally, families make Osechi (おせち) for new year day because cooking during the first 3 days of the new year is not a good thing for Kami of kitchens. But nowadays, most of families buy Osechi or cook ordinary dishes.

At midnight, when the New Year begins, in all Buddhist temples over Japan their large cast bell is struck once for each of the 108 earthly desires believed to cause human suffering. This tradition is called joya no kane (除夜の鐘) which means "bell rings on new year eve's night." So at midnight, many people visit a shrine or temple for Hatsumōde (初詣).

Here in Japan it's unusual, to have big fireworks or some big party celebration, so the people celebrate traditional and quiet with their families.
The New Year's celebration is not over after midnight. January, the 1st is a National Holiday and most of the people have off until January the 4th. So post offices and banks, for example, are closed.
For Japanese, as you can see, New Year's Eve is very traditional (for me, it's really complex, to understand all of this traditions) and an absolute really important day for families.

So how do you celebrate New Year's Eve in your home country?
I hope, you will have a great New Year's Eve and of course a great New Year 2012!

All your wishes should come true and all the bad things should be catched far far away in the last year! ^^
So, let's give our best in 2012, right!
Ganbatte! ^^

By: Vanessa (Asakusa)

December 23, 2011

Christmas In Japan

Have you ever asked, how the Japanese celebrate Christmas? ^^

As you know, in Japan the main religion is not the Christian religion, it's much more Shintoism and Buddhism. So in fact of this, Christmas in Japan has become another meaning than a religious meaning for the most Japanese people.
You often find Christmas lightning and displays on the streets, Santa Claus, Christmas trees and many other typical Christmas accessoirs, here, too, but they are more in the meaning of getting this special Christmas atmosphere known and loved from other countries. ^^

So in Japan December the 24th is no special puplic Holiday, it's a normal working day, like every other working day is.
While Christmas day in many other countries will be celebrated as a day for the family, here the Christmas day is popular for having a date. You don't celebrate Christmas with your family. Here the New Year's Eve is the day for celebrating with the family. ^^

Here you celebrate the Christmas evening with your boyfriend/girlfriend or a person you fall in love with (and he/she hopefully in you^^). It is seen as a time to be spent in a romantic setting, so fancy restaurants and hotels are often booked solid at this time. It is often also a time when girls get to reveal their affections to boys and vice versa. Because of this, extending a girl an invitation to be together on Christmas Eve has very deep, romantic implications, hihi.

But when you can't have a date, then it's usual, to celebrate with one or more good friends, so don't worry. ^^
For the more elderly couples, many hotels host dinner shows featuring major singers, actors, and actresses. Tickets to these shows, due to the season, are very very pricy.
Christmas presents are exchanged between people with romantic commitments as well as close friends. The presents tend to be cute presents and often include Teddy Bears, flowers, scarves, rings and other jewelry. Christmas cards are also given to close friends.

I think, even there are many many differences in celebrating Christmas, it has one main topic - and that is love. ^^ And love is always the best thing! ^^

So let's surprise and have a great Christmas 2011, right! ^^

By: Vanessa (Asakusa)

December 18, 2011

Nengajo (年賀状) - Japanese New Year's cards!

Do you know nengajo?

Nengajo are Japanese New Year's cards and are very important here in Japan.. ^^

The Japanese send New Year's cards rather than Christmas cards.
While younger people nowadays are more into sending emails or digital New Year's cards (here you can send your own digital cards ^^), for mid age and older people, nengajo are very traditional and popular.

You can send nengajo to your friends, to your family and relatives.
Often nengajo are send from business to business, too.

The nengajo are written during December and people are happy to read nengajo delivered on New Year's Day. So Japan Post Network accepts New Year's cards from mid December. The post office stocks the nengajo and delivers them on January 1st all at once. Unlike Christmas cards, nengajo shouldn't arrive before New Year's Day. This New Year's card postal system was set up already in the year 1899.

When you get some nengajo looking like this on January 15th, there can be a thrilling day for you! ^^

Because many people use special nengajo with lottery numbers (otoshidama-tsuki nenga hagaki) issued by the Post and Telecommunication Ministry. And on January 15th, the winning numbers are picked and the results are announced the following day on television and in newspapers. The holders of winning numbers receive prizes! ^^ These prizes aren't money, but things like electronics (TVs, Navigation systems...), stamp-sets, and so on.

Because this prepaid lottery postcards are basically plain, people print photos or images, draw pictures, and write messages on their own on it. Nengajo also often use the present year's zodiacal animal (eto) as the design. Here you see the ox or cow on the back of our cards - because they are old ones from 2009. ^^

For 2012 it's the year of the dragon! ^^

Dragon 2.jpg
Want to read (or maybe write) your own nengajo?
As a nengajo begins with greetings and here you find some common expressions.

All these expressions basically mean, "Happy New Year". You can choose any of them to begin your card. "Kinga Shinnen (謹賀新年)," "Kyouga Shinnen (恭賀新年)," "Gashou (賀正)," and "Geishun (迎春)" are seasonal words not used in regular conversation.

After that you should add words of thanks, requests for continued favor or wishes for health. Here are some common expressions, but you can say it in your own words as well. ^^

So, maybe you want to surprise your friends or family and write one of these nice cards! ^^
I like this tradition and would be very happy, to get a huge amount of nengajo at New Year's day (and if I would win a big TV, I would be happy, too :D).

By: Vanessa (Asakusa)

December 12, 2011

Maneki Neko

Today I want to write about Maneki Neko!
The Maneki Neko (beckoning or welcoming cat) is popular in Japan as a lucky charm that invites happiness.

Maneki-neko mal.jpg
So, many people know, that this cute cat statues with its little waving claw is a good luck charm. But do you know the history of Maneki Neko?

Here it is (and it's so cute ^^):

Here's an actual picture of Goutokuji Temple and of the many Maneki Nekos you can find there! ^^
In the 17th century, there was a rundown and poverty-stricken temple in Tokyo. The temple's priest was very poor, but he shared what little food he had with his pet cat, Tama.
One day, a wealthy and important man was caught in a storm while hunting and he took refuge under a big tree near the temple. While he waited for the storm to pass, the man noticed a cat beckoning him to come inside the temple gate. This was so startling that he left the shelter of the tree to have a closer look at this unusual cat. At that moment, the tree was struck by lighting.
As a result, the wealthy man became friends with the poor priest, and the temple became prosperous. The priest and his cat never went hungry again.
When Tama died he was buried in the Goutokuji Temple's cat cemetery with respect and love, and the Maneki Neko was made in honor of him.

You can buy Maneki Neko figurines and little statues in many different variations, so here you have a little list about the meanings of the different variations.

maneki-neko variationen.jpg
Left paw raised: invites visitors or in business, customers
Right paw raised: invites money and good fortune
Both paws raised: protects home or business
White neko: stands for goodness and purity
Black neko: wards off evil
Pink or red neko: brings love and happiness
Gold neko: invites wealth and prosperity
Neko with coin in paw: invites financial gain
Neko with fish in paw: another invitation to prosperity
Tri-color or calico: luck, luck, luck (Because male calico cats are rare, they are revered as "lucky cats" among sailors around the world, and among Maneki Neko collectors)

The Japanese popular idol group Arashi has made a video about Maneki Neko and coming to Japan, too. It's really really cute and you should watch it! ^^

Maybe you want to have your own, too! ^^

By: Vanessa (Asakusa)

December 9, 2011

One Really Fun Day Through Tokyo - For Less Than 5000 Yen! ^^

Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities on earth! And it's so expensive to spend time in Tokyo! But that's not true.
If you know, where to go and what to do, you can have a really great day in and through Tokyo with only a little amount of money. ^^
To show you, that and how that really works, I prepared a day plan for you - starting here at our hostel (Asakusa Hostel).
In my example, to start refreshed and relaxed in your day, you spent a night at our hostel in one of our dormitory beds.

Accommodation total costs: 2940 Yen (but it's always a good idea, to check our special offers ^^)
That you can start without feeling hungry, you take our breakfast and eat and drink as much, your stomach has place for! ^^
Breakfast total costs: 315 Yen
Your first step - and totally for free - is to go to Senso-ji and step a little bit into Tokyo's history: Senso-ji is the oldest temple in Tokyo and really very impressive! You couldn't miss that, when visiting Tokyo.

Sensoji day.jpg
Then you step along through Kaminarimon Street, watching the traditional market stores, where you could buy traditional sweets and souvenirs.

Your aim now is Asakusa Station (Ginza Line). On Asakusa Station you now buy a Tokyo Metro One-Day pass, which allows you unlimited rides on any Tokyo Metro Line for an entire day from the first tot the last trains.
Train total costs: Adult 710 Yen, child 360 Yen

So with the Metro line, you can drive to Sakuradamon Station, walk 8 minutes and you are in the middle of the Park of Imperial Palace! ^^ Another must seen, if you are in Tokyo.

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This Edo Castle became the Imperial Palace as the Emperor moved from Kyoto to Tokyo after the Meiji Restoration. And the East Park of Imperial Palace is open to the public.

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The Nijubashi Bridge in front of the main palace is really famous and popular. So I recommend this place, too, not only because of its historical importance, also of the atmosphere around it.

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There's so much space there. And the skyline which is around you there is really fantanstic! And that's all for free!

Time for lunch now! ^^
You can eat traditional food without spending amounts of money. Just only take the restaurants (I wouldn't say "fast food chains", because they are so much more!), so many Japanese people choose for their own lunch. So there are big names like Sukiya, Yoshinoya, Fuji Soba, Matsuya and much more, where you can find really delicious Gyudon, Udon, Ramen, Curry in many different variations. Tea you get for free to every meal. Depending on the restaurant you go, you can calculate with in average 500 Yen to get a great meal! ^^ So let's take Gyudon!
Lunch total costs: 500 Yen

Do you know the movie "Lost in Translation"? Time for our next travel spot: Takeshita Dori. It's located in Harajuku, so you take the metro to Meiji-jingumae station, walk 5 minutes and are in the start of the street, popular for character and idol goods, crazy and newest fashion and much young people in fantastic outfits buying the newest things there.

If you are finished in looking things, you surely cannot find in your home country and want to take a break from these much people surroundings in Takeshita Dori - no problem. The big Yoyogi Park is direct next to Takeshita Dori. And guess: it's for free!

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You can walk there really long, feeling a little bit beamed to another world.

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Yoyogi Park is so big with this old old woods, you'll feel like taking a walk in a big wood somewhere else! ^^
In the middle of the park you find a central square with a beautiful lawn and fountains.
Hungry again? What's about a set of Udon and small curry dish or katsudon? I told you before, where to go. ^^
Dinner total costs: 500 Yen

You are still energetic? Then it's time for night life after dinner. So the next station: Shinjuku! From there, you walk 5 minutes and are in the middle of the major entertainment town in Shinjuku: Kabukicho. There are many more restaurants, theaters, movie theaters and game arcades.

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You maybe will say: Yeah, but everything will cost money. Right. But only to walk through, can be very cool, too. You can watch new things, so cool people, the atmosphere there will arrive you for sure, and this costs nothing. When visiting Tokyo, Kabukicho is a must, I think. ^^

Oh, hurry now to get one of the last trains back to Asakusa, your day full of places of interest for free is almost over!
But don't forget to take your way back a second time through Senso-ji! At night, it's so unbelievable beautiful! ^^

Sensoji Nacht 1.jpg
Sensoji Nacht 2.jpg
So, let's calculate the whole costs for one adult person in total:
4965 Yen!
For this whole day of fun.

And you have seen such cool places of interest from the middle east of Tokyo to the middle west, accommodation is included!
Tokyo expensive?
Not for us! ^^
But I don't calculate souvenirs and drinks like cocktails or beer in these costs, so how much to spend on these extra things depends totally on you. ^^

If you have more time than one day - I recommend you really to rent a bike. You can rent it only around 5 min per foot away from our hostel - for 200 Yen the whole day! ^^
And it's really convenient to ride a bike in Tokyo. So many people ride bikes here and you haven't to ride it on the busy street, you can take the sidewalk (like everybody does so here). That's the perfect way to check the local area and all places of interest around there! ^^

And if you get hungry and want to have a little snack, you can go to the 100 Yen Conbinis and stores, where you can buy almost everything to drink and eat for 105 Yen. (I like their big Melonpan there very much!) ^^

So tips for saving money in Tokyo:
- Rent a bicycle
- Get in use of the many 100 Yen Stores
- Check evening grocery in stores and conbinis
- Check out, if there are special museum days (for free entry)
- Look at the many great places of interest, you can visit for free
- Eat at one of the tasty "fast food" chains, you won't regret it!
- Look at your travel expenses and decide, if a one-day ticket may be cheaper than buying single tickets

Do you already think, Tokyo is expensive? ^^

By: Vanessa (Asakusa)

October 31, 2011

What a Life...

Today, I got these words from my friend.

1. Hujan lebat mengingatkan kita pada tantangan dalam hidup ini. Jangan pernah minta hujan rintik-rintik, tapi berdoalah minta payung yang lebih besar dan kokoh. Itulah Sikap Hidup.

2. Saat banjir datang, ikan makan semut-semut dan ketika banjir surut semut-semut makan ikan. Hanya soal waktu. Bertahanlah, Tuhan beri kesempatan kepada setiap orang.
3. Hidup bukanlah tentang bagaimana menemukan orang yang tepat, tapi bagaimana menciptakan hubungan yang tepat. Bukan pula bagaimana kita peduli pada awalnya tapi seberapa besar kita peduli sampai pada akhirnya!

4. Ada orang-orang yang selalu melemparkan batu pada perjalanan kita. Terserah kita akan jadikan apa batu-batu itu. Tembok/Jembatan? Ingat, kita adalah arsitek dari kehidupan kita!

5. Setiap masalah mempunyai solusi (n+1), dimana n adalah jumlah solusi yang sudah kita coba, dan 1 adalah yang belum kita coba. Itulah hidup...

Well, it's easy to read, easy to say, but is is not easy to do, God. Sometimes when I have a problem and don't know what to do, even I read this, I still can't solve it. I know life is not easy, but can I get a strength from You, God, so I can solve it one by one and be a strong person?

October 16, 2011


I like cake! Especially brownies! I seldom eat it cause the one I like only sold in Bandung, Amanda brownies. So, I want to learn to make it! My friends, Lusi and Suri came to my house today. They taught me how to make it. It's not difficult! Thanks God, I can make it and it's delicious hehe.. I made chocolate brownies with chocolate chip ^^.

October 8, 2011

S.O.C Live In Pluit Village

Bina Nusantara University presents Screen of Chronicles live in Pluit Village!
This is the first time they sing in front of people ^^
Sorry if I recorded it bad because I was so nervous ;p

September 26, 2011

Screen of Chronicles - 终于找到你

Today, 1 year ago, they became together, made a band named Screen of Chronicles...
My brother's band 
I like this song & the lyrics
Please watch this video & enjoy the song..
Hope you like it

August 28, 2011

Green Boys

I like this song very much!!! Well I think GReeeeN is as good as Aqua Timez. They both have many great songs and lyrics. Actually this song is for Tohoku Earthquake. At that time I saw the news in TV and feel so sad. I emailed my friends who lives in Tokyo. Most of them couldn't go back home because all the trains stopped operating. I only can pray to God...

Why? Why does it have to be me? I just wanna change and get through the day
Say it's not worth it. Always runnin' away. Just actin' like those around you
Could happen to anyone, even me, at first, somehow you just know it
No matter what way? No matter how, just gotta move on!

Shedding those tears, isn't it a cryin' shame?
But, if you stop movin' right now, nothing's ever, gonna ever change

Yeah do it again, we gonna get up, gotta get up, no matter what it takes
We shall overcome, yeah? You always gotta believe
Yeah do it again, we gonna get up, gotta get up, no matter what it takes
Following our guiding star, we'll never ever give up

Fear always seems to, win over courage, stoppin' me in my tracks but
On rainy or windy days, life goes on bringing us closer
Pain, Despair, Tears, take it all as it comes and
we'll laugh out loud for a bright new day; we're still just green boyz.

You wanna reach for it, you wanna laugh at it, all on your own terms
Limits? Who makes them anyway?!

Everyone, we gonna get up, gotta get up, no matter what it takes?
Cuz no matter how you look, no matter how it turns out, just go all out for it
Everyone, we gonna get up, gotta get up, no matter what it takes
Let's struggle along and stand together to get through these very tough times

When you face many sorrows along the way you may take a round 'bout way
Not there yet, don't run away, have more faith and hold yourself tight
We know we'll be all right, our steps always keep pushing us forward
Let's take this road, let's move forward together

Well, we just gonna try again and again until we get there
So we'll laugh out loud for a new bright day
Well, we just gonna try again and again until we get there
We must let our spirit rise from deep within and just let it go

We can only get moving again
You can see it, right? See, it's all up to you
Everyone, we gonna get up, gotta get up, no matter if we dare
Tomorrow, the day after that, it's the path that you choose
You won't run away from it, right?

Gotta keep movin' on!

August 14, 2011


I've got a slice of strawberry shortcake, emmm... It's strawberry cheese cake actually, ok... Strawberry cheese shortcake, hahaha... That was from my friend and when I looked at that beautiful cake, I just want to write down everything on my mind about that.

I took a picture of it before ate it, because I just want to keep it on my eyes before it was gonna be in my tummy then, hahaha... So I can still see it again later. You may say that I'm too much, but it was such a beautiful cake and I love seeing that, cake plus strawberry, it's so-called a lovely couple. Before, I only eat the strawberries alone or the cheese cakes or any cakes with no strawberry on it.

I like strawberry, I do really, because it's sweet, not the taste of course but from the look, it's cute, pretty and also because of its sour taste; fresh up. Many people like it, sour, yup... but tasty and refreshing. I used to think that it has a freak taste, hahaha... I don't know how to describe this freak word but I just don't like it. I love its beautiful look but ain't gonna eat it.

But then somehow I ate that fruit then I fall for it. Maybe it's not "don’t judge a book by its cover" things, because we know exactly it has a good cover and we do know what the inside, not really good actually, even bad inside, but this sour taste is a challenge, whether you can through it or not. It's about do you have brave to taste and through this sour so you can know something a bit sweet while you chew it then something freshen you up at the end? Or are you too afraid to taste and to face it so you can't know something good in it and coming for you? Sometimes people need to take a risk to see what is good even better for them, there must be something good behind the bad. You'll never know until you find it out.

Yup, then I like strawberry, her looks and her taste, yeah... what if we call it as her, because she's beautiful. Strawberry described as a female thing, her shape is cute, her color is beautiful, and her taste is sour-sweet.
Now, let's get back to strawberry shortcake!! What do you eat first, the strawberry or the cake??? Me, because I like strawberry more, so I eat the cake first. Yup... save the best for the last and I guess for those who hold on to that words, just like me, will do the same way as I do, just want to enjoy the most amazing part at the final, it's so-called a happy ending and I guess everyone loves it. But it also depends on what you like more, if it the cake then you'll eat strawberry first, on the other hand you'll do my way.

But... if that's so, it's kind of gambling, hahaha... Here, I mean... we don't ever know what's gonna happen, if we eat thing we like more at the last, then maybe it falls accidentally or anyone come and ask for it then we'll have no chance to eat and taste the part we like more, it's just gone. Or you'll eat what you like more at the first, don't wanna lose the best moment, straight it forward...

Maybe it's better if we eat them both together at the same time, so if something happen like fallen, at least we have tried and tasted it, them both, then we don't need to regret.

Ok, about strawberry... Most of people describe strawberry by its true meaning, from the look and the taste just like sour, acid, sweet, red, pretty, spotted, small, besides... it's also cute, mysterious, surprising, refreshing and girly I think.

August 12, 2011

Letters To Juliet

“‘What’ and ‘if’ two words as nonthreatening as words come. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: ‘What if?’…”
“I don’t know how your story ended. But I know that if what you felt then was love – true love – then it’s never too late. If it was true then it why wouldn’t it be true now? You need only the courage to follow your heart…”
“I don’t know what a love like that feels like… a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for… but I’d like to believe if I ever felt it, I’d have the courage to seize it. I hope you had the courage to seize it, Claire. And if you didn’t, I hope one day that you will.”
(Letters to Juliet)

August 9, 2011

キッス ~帰り道のラブソング~

Tegomass is a Japanese duo members of NEWS. Well, actually I love Yuya Tegoshi!!! That’s why I like Tegomass ^^. The first time I heard this song, I don’t feel anything, cause I think their songs different from NEWS. But when my friend gave me the PV with English subtitle…oh my God…the lyrics are soooo romantic!!! Haha I hope someday there will be someone who will said those to me ;p. And of course Yuya is so cute in this PV ^^

Hmm I couldn't find the PV cause it's no longer available in Youtube. Thanks God I've already downloaded it before. I only have the lyrics ^^.

2人きりの公園 帰り道の指定席
いつもより はしゃいでる 君を見つめ 聞いてみた
The park belonging to the just two of us, reserved for us on the way home
Watching you being more happy than usual, I asked

「もしも明日世界が なくなったら どうする?」
君は何も言わずに 僕の腕を ギュウっとしたね
“What would you do if the world disappears tomorrow?”
You didn’t say anything and just held my arm tighter right?

ねえ こっちを向いていて
唇が近すぎて ドキドキ止まらない
Hey, look this way
Our lips are too close, my heart wouldn’t stop thumping

どんな君も どんな時も 受け止めるから
もしも心が傷ついて 涙こぼれる時は
世界中を敵にしても 君を守るよ
I LOVE YOU 言葉はいらないよ
君が 最後のキッスいつまでも
No matter what you are, no matter when it is, I’ll always catch hold of you so,
If your heart hurts and when your tears fall,
Even if all the world turns into enemies, I’ll protect you
I LOVE YOU words are unnecessary
You’re my last kiss, forever

いつもの別れ道で 何も出来ない わかってる
ほっぺたふくらませて 手を離して「もう行くね」
The road where we always said goodbye, there’s nothing I could do, I know
You puff out your cheeks, let go of my hands and say “It’s time to go.”

ねえ こっちを向いていて
唇に近づいて ドキドキ止まらない
Hey, look this way to me.
Our lips get closer, my heart wouldn’t stop thumping

こんな僕も 君がいれば 強くなれるよ
恋は不思議な魔法だね 何も怖くないから
世界中を敵にしても 離しはしない
STAND BY ME 誰かじゃ駄目なんだ
君に ずっと側にいて欲しい
Even if it’s someone like me, I can get stronger if you’re with me
Love is a wondrous magic isn’t it? I’m not afraid of anything so,
Even if all the world turns into enemies, I’ll never let you go
STAND BY ME it can’t be just anyone

I want to stay by you forever

あぁ 無邪気な素顔のまま 君は言う
「ねえ おばぁちゃんになっても キスしてくれるの?」
ねえ その時には 僕だって同じだよ
繋いだ手 離しはしないから
Ah~ with your innocently honest face you say
“Hey, if I turn into a grandma, are you still going to kiss me?”
Hey, when that time comes, it’s the same for me
Our joint hands; I’ll never let go of it so,

どんな君も どんな時も 受け止めるから
もしも心が傷ついて 涙こぼれる時は
世界中を敵にしても 君を守るよ
I LOVE YOU 言葉はいらないよ
君が 最後のキッスいつまでも
No matter who you are, no matter when it is, I’ll always catch of you so,
If your heart hurts and when your tears fall,
Even if all the world turns into enemies, I’ll protect you
I LOVE YOU words are unnecessary
You’re my last kiss, forever

August 4, 2011

ドラえもん電車 (Kereta Doraemon)

ODAKYU F-Train, baru-baru ini meluncurkan kereta api yang didedikasikan untuk mengenang pengarang komik ternama Jepang, Fujiko F. Fujio. Sejumlah karakter karangan Fujiko, seperti Doraemon dan P-Man, menghiasi permukaan luar dan dalam kereta api yang unik ini.

Kereta yang didominasi warna pink, biru, dan kuning ini beroperasi untuk umum mulai Rabu (3/8) kemarin dan melayani rute perjalanan di sepanjang jalur Odakyu.

Seperti dilansir Tokyohive, kereta ini diluncurkan menjelang pembukaan Fujiko F. Fujio Museum di Kawasaki, 3 September mendatang >> Fujiko F. Fujio Museum

Odakyu F-Train terdiri dari 10 gerbong yang didekorasi dengan stiker, poster, bahkan strap pegangan yang bergambar tokoh-tokoh kartun karya mangaka yang meninggal dunia 1996 silam ini.

Natalie News mencatat, dua stasiun terdekat yang dilintasi Odakyu F-Train juga akan dilengkapi dengan bel suara yang mengeluarkan nada dari soundtrack kartun besutan Fujiko. Di antaranya yaitu ‘Yume wo Kanaete Doraemon’, ‘Kiteyo Perman’, dan ‘Doraemon no Uta’.

August 3, 2011


Sekilas tentang Jepang yang gua tahu menurut hasil pengamatan gua selama 1 bulan di Tokyo waktu tahun 2009...
  1. Orang Jepang
a. Orang Jepang itu ramah banget! Waktu gua awal datang, gua mesti ke sekolah gua dulu. Karena cuma tahu alamat aja, gua tersesat. Tangan gua dah mati rasa gak bisa angkat koper lagi. Akhirnya ada 1 cewek lewat, terus gua tanya dia. Karena dia kurang jelas juga, jadi dia bilang mau gak diantar ke kantor polisi? Gua bilang gua dah gak sanggup jalan lagi. Jadi ya dah gua dan koko gua ngitar-ngitar aja di sekitar Hamacho. Dah lama lewat cewek itu balik lagi nyariin gua dan koko gua. Dia print 1 peta terus tunjukin jalan. Gila, baik amat ya? Apa gak kepikir gua dah gak ada lagi di situ?
b. Orang Jepang pintar, tapi tergantung alat. Coba tanya alamat dech, pasti pada gak tau. Bentar-bentar cek lewat internet, bentar-bentar lihat GPS.
c. Bawahan terlalu nurut sama atasan. Kalau ini mutlak loh.
d. Gua mikir apa 1 keluarga Jepang gak pernah masak di rumah ya? Masa restoran selalu ramai dan bento selalu habis?
e. Orang Jepang jalannya cepat banget! Mungkin karena tiap hari kerjanya jalan terus kali ya?
f. Orang Jepang suka pelihara doggy. Mana-mana bawa doggy. Bahkan banyak banget salon doggy dan tempat jual-jual barang doggy. Lucu-lucu lagi doggynya hehe..
g. Jeleknya orang Jepang tuh banyak yang ngerokok, mau cowok, mau cewek rata-rata pada ngerokok gitu.
  1. Kendaraan
a. Kereta
Kereta paling banyak dipakai di Jepang. Jalurnya pun banyak banget. Contoh: Toei line: Asakusa line, Mita line, Shinjuku line, Oedo line. Tokyo Metro line: Ginza line, Marunouchi line, Hibiya line, Tozai line, Chiyoda line, Yurakucho line, Hanzomon line, Namboku line, Fukutoshin line. Lainnya: JR Yamanote line, JR line, Private railways, dan lain-lain.
b. Mobil
Setahu gua mobil paling laku itu Toyota dan Honda, tapi kok malah jarang lihat ya? Malah lebih banyak Nissan, bahkan dekat kos gua di Morishita ada tempat sewa mobil Nissan. Bahkan gua cuma baru pernah lihat 1 CRV doang.
c. Sepeda
Jalur jalannya di trotoar tempat orang jalan kaki. Banyak juga loh yang pakai sepeda. ada tempat penyewaan pula.
d. Bus & motor
Gua jarang lihat tuh, bahkan gua gak pernah naik bus selama gua di Tokyo.
  1. Handphone
a. Softbank
Ini HP yang paling laku soalnya banyak yang pakai hehe.. Tapi ada juga yang bilang Docomo. Kalau di Jakarta kan sesama operator murah, nah di Jepang tuh sesama HP yang murah. Gua pemakai Softbank, jadi cuma ini yang bisa gua ceritain. Sms ke sesama sepanjang hari gratis. Kalau ke yang lain mesti tahu alamat emailnya dulu, gak bisa dari nomor HP doang. Telepon sesama gratis dari jam 1 pagi sampai jam 9 malam. Lumayan kan? Internet gak gitu jelas soalnya gua gak pasang, tapi setahu gua bayar bulanan 4000 yen. Rata-rata pascabayar gitu yang ada biaya per bulan, kalau pelajar diskon 50%.
b. NTT Docomo
Dari style sich bagusan Docomo, cuma teman-teman gua pakai Softbank jadi ya gua gak beli Docomo.
d. Willcomm
  1. Musik
Gua bicara tentang CD loh. Orang Jepang tuh pintar ya cari duit. Sebelum keluar album, mereka keluar single dulu yang biasa isinya 2-4 lagu aja. Kadang-kadang juga ada single yang dibikin beberapa versi, jadi tinggal pilih mau yang mana. Enaknya lagi, di tempat jualan CD bisa dengarin dulu lagunya, jadi kalau jelek kan gak usah beli hehe.. Bahkan ada tempat sewa juga, 4 CD 1000 yen, batas waktu penyewaan 1 minggu. Lumayan kan kalau gak mau keluar duit banyak?
  1. Tempat Makan
Ada banyak restoran di Jepang, tapi yang paling laku ya Sukiya, Matsuya, Yoshinoya. Tapi entah napa rata-rata pada jualan kare atau sapi. Ngomong-ngomong kok gua gak pernah lihat Ajisen Ramen dan Hoka-Hoka Bento ya?
  1. Convenient Store
a. Seven Eleven
b. Am Pm
c. Family Mart
d. Lawson Station
e. Sankus
Rata-rata pada jualannya sama, kecuali Seven Eleven. Apa pada gak saingan ya kalau di sepanjang jalan pada ada?

August 1, 2011

Fly Again

Really really like this song ^^. This is a song by NEWS which I like from the first time I heard. The lyrics made me not to give up whatever happens. And when I listened to this song, I decided to go to Tokyo. I like Japan very much and I want to study there. I only studied about 1 month, but at least I ever tried than never. And when I fell down, I always listen to this song…

全てはうまくいかない そんなの分かっているけど
I’m thinking of walking alone on the usual way back home
Am I getting any closer to me dreams?
Everything’s going badly; I understand that but
The distress isn’t disappearing

誰もが未来に不安を抱え 伸し寄せてくる時間に追われ
叶うかわからない夢 あきらめそうになったとき
No one carries anxiety in the future, reaching out and chasing after the gathering time
The dream which I don’t know whether it will come true, in the times when I seem to give up

果てしない空を見上げて 両手を広げて叫ぶんだ
まだ消えない 想いを胸に
確実に踏み出せば いつか Fly Again
Looking up at the endless skies, I spread my arms and cried out
It hasn’t disappeared; those feelings are in my chest
If we stepped out from certainty, someday, Fly Again

やりたいことがあったら まよわずに進めとか
あの日かわたした約束 今でも覚えているなら
声 聞かせてほしい
If there’s something you want to do, you should press forward without hesitation
I understand such things, I guess
The promise we exchanged that day, if I can recall it even now
Your voice, I wish you’ll let me hear it

見えない大きな不安を抱え また迫りくる何かに追われ
叶うかわからない夢 あきらめそうになったとき
Carrying a huge anxiety which I can’t see, chasing after that something which is drawing near again
The dream which I don’t know whether it will come true, in the times when I seem to give up

果てしない空を見上げて 両手を広げて叫ぶんだ
まだ消えない 想いを胸に
確実に踏み出せばいつか Fly Again
Looking up at the endless skies, I spread my arms and cried out
It hasn’t disappeared; those feelings are in my chest
If we stepped out from certainty, someday, Fly Again

そうさ何が起こっても 君がまた飛びたつこと
だから何が起こっても 涙にくれる日々があっても
両手を広げ明日へ Fly Again
I guess it’s like that; even if anything happened, you’ll take off once again
Because the songs of belief will continue
That’s why no matter what happens, even if there are days when you cry,
Spread your arms wide and head towards tomorrow Fly Again

果てしない空を見上げて 両手を広げて叫ぶんだ
まだ消えない 想いを胸に
確実に踏み出せばいつか Fly Again
Looking up at the endless skies, I spread my arms and cried out
It hasn’t disappeared; those feelings are in my chest
If we stepped out from certainty, someday, Fly Again