June 22, 2012

Love is... (2)

You’re the greatest gift to me :p

This is me most of the time at night, I make sure the phone’s like right next to my ear so I don’t miss any call or messages hehe. Gives me a smile each time~

We fight here and there, it’s all part of the whole deal and sooner or later we all look back and can laugh about it! I thought it’d be fun to start doing some doodles of the not-so-happy side of love too, in a fun way hopefully!

Hugs are coming!!! Wa…iii.tttt!!!

I was so happy you called that sometimes I’m turn into a little kid~

June 21, 2012

Love is... (1)

Love is… not knowing what to do sometimes…

Love makes me forget how to speak sometimes :)

Love is… Waiting (for that SMS that never came T_T)

Love is… the best medicine~
When I’m sick, you’re my best medicine… and I’m addicted!

We all fight sometimes and likes to be stubborn when we both wish for the same thing, just for the other side to do the smallest thing to cheer each other up and everything would’ve been ok. Be the first one to give the first hug, or the first smile!

June 15, 2012



June 6, 2012


If you really loved someone, you wouldn't be afraid to let people know that he/she means the world to you, in fact you would be proud to say that he/she is the only one that has your heart and that you love him/her.. You wouldn't hide him/her from others, you would make it be known that the person is someone special to you and that you are proud to call him/her yours. Imagine how happy that would make him/her that you aren't afraid of letting people know how you feel about him/her. But most of all if you loved him/her then you wouldn’t care what other people say because deep in your heart you know that you love that person just as much as he/she loves you and nothing people say or do can ever change that fact. I mean if someone asked who has my heart, then I would be honest and say that person's name.