January 4, 2012

Japanese Fairy Tale: Animal Competition For Eto (Chinese Astrology)

Do you know we have twelve Eto in each year ?
Eto is called Junishi (十二支), and they are all animals.

They are 子 (ne; Mouse), 丑 (ushi; Cow), 寅 (tora; Tiger), 卯 (u; Rabbit), 辰 (tatsu; Dragon), 巳 (mi; Snake), 午 (uma; Horse), 未 (hitsuji; Sheep), 申 (saru; Monkey), 酉 (tori; Hen), 戌 (inu; Dog), and 亥 (i; Wild boar).

Do you wonder why are these animals ??
We have a fairy tale for that reason.

Once upon a time, at the end of a year, The God told all of animals like this. "Come to see me in the morning of the New Year (Jan 1st), and I will let the first 12 animals be the symbol animals of the year in order."
Each animal was excited about that, but a cat forgot when he should go to see the God. He asked it to Mouse, and he lied, "You should go on the second of January." Cat trusted Mouse completely and went back home to sleep.

In the morning of 1st of Jan, Cow departed his house at midnight. "I am the slowest animal, so I have to depart much earlier than any." Mouse was listening to it on the ceiling and rode on the head of Cow slyly. When Cow arrived at the gate of the place where the God was, no one had arrived yet.

Cow was about to greeting the God, but Mouse got off from his head and greeted at first. As a result, Mouse greeted at first, then secondly Cow. And continued trot Tiger and Rabbit, Dragon, Snake who crawled on ground, Horse and Sheep. Dog and Monkey fought on the way to go, and Hen came with stopping them together. Though Wild boar came before Tiger, he couldn't stop himself and passed the gate.

Finally, the order they arrived was Mouse, Cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Hen, Dog, and Wild boar. The God told them to protect humans from evil things of the years.

On the other hand, Cat knew that he had been deceived by Mouse after this competition. He got really angry, and had a grudge against Mouse. It is said that this is the origin Cats chase mice now.

By: Tomoyuki (Asakusa)

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